Sunday, November 14, 2010

6 months! Really?!

Every time I turn around it seems like Austyn is doing something new and growing up just a little bit more. I am in complete shock that she is already 6 months old! Here's a little Austyn update.

She is laughing and smiling ALL the time and is developing quite the personality. She loves her Daddy and lights up whenever he enters the room. She loves to touch my face, play with my hair, and have face to face "conversations." She adores Lacey and reaches for her whenever she passes by. She spends loads of time in her "office" (the exersaucer) and has even picked out some favorite toys.

Austyn is still a little peanut. At 6 months she is still fitting comfortably in her 3 month clothes. I'm getting kind of bored with all of her 3 months outfits, so I might have to start dressing her in her 6 month clothes and roll up the sleeves and legs! I'm starting to wonder if she will fit into her 6 month Christmas dress! Let's hope so!

Austyn's reflux is getting better as she gets older. Soon her GI specialist, Dr. Yuwono, will be cutting back on her medication until we don't have to give it anymore! Hooray!!! Solid foods have really helped keep the reflux at bay...we're hoping to be totally off meds in the next few months!

Did I mention she STILL doesn't sleep?! Nope...not a sleeper! She wakes up multiple times during the night and cat naps during the day! I keep reminding myself that I won't have a teenager who doesn't like to sleep! Here's to hoping we survive until then!

Austyn is quite the blessing in our lives...I can't imagine what I would do without her! I miss her when I'm at work and I find myself speeding to daycare or home with anxious butterflies in my tummy because I'm so excited to see her. Being a mom is amazing...

At Ghost Bustin' Blowout on Halloween...with a fever...oops

Not quite sure about face paintloving all the lights at church

hanging out at Firgrove elementary
Lovin' the toes

Austyn's first mohawk
with her pumpkin

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